1903 Travel Guide

In a travel guide dated 1903, there is a description of one of the beautiful Falls on Dudley Coutts Marjoribank’s land. A beautiful place.
“Those who can afford the time and expense should continue this route through the Strathglass valley to Cannich and Guisachan, cross into Glenurquhart, and drive to Drumnadrochit Hotel at the foot of that charming glen, proceeding to Inverness by one of Mr Macbrayne’s Caledonian Canal steamers. For a description of Glenurquhart and the Canal portion of this route see “Inverness to Oban” section, beginning at page no. Eilean Aigas, with its sylvan scenes, was for many years the favourite residence of the brothers Sobieskie Stuart, who claimed to be the lawful successors of Prince Claries Edward, the hero of the ‘Forty-five; and, at another period, of the great Sir Robert Peel. Further up the strath the scenery, though changed, is beautiful in the extreme, all the way to Guisachan. The wooded surroundings of Erchless Castle, the ancient seat of the Chiefs of Chisholm; the magnificent scenery of Glenstrathfarrar, Glencannich, and Glenaffric; Guisachan House, the Highland residence of Lord Tweedmouth, and its policies can all be seen or explored on this tour. The various and diversified attractions of Strathglass— its sylvan valleys and towering mountains, its rushing rivers and endless lakes, its wooded groves and heather-clad slopes—must be seen, not inadequately described. Here is a modern photo with views of water all around:
In that same travel guide there are a number of ads: